Kia ora, I am a student at Marshland School, Welcome - Haere Mai. This is a place where I will be able to share my learning with you. Please note my work may include spelling or other errors because some of it will be my first drafts. I would like to get your feedback - comments, thoughts, questions and ideas to help me Learn Create Share.
Friday, December 11, 2020
My Civilization
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Persuasive writing
Friday, August 21, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Gangsta humpty dumpty
This week at school was book week. One of the activities that we could do was colour in a book character and stick your face onto it. I decided to do Humpty dumpty. I started off by drawing a Gucci top on him. Then I coloured in his shorts and also made it Gucci. After that, I drew a supreme sweatband on his head. Finally, I coloured in his shoes and made them sketches. I have not got a photo but I will try and get one soon. What do you think it will look like?
Friday, July 31, 2020
Guide to taking care of an alien
For literacy, we had to read a book called I Spy. It is about an alien who is tired of just eating rocks so when two humans come to there planet they leave a mysterious red thing (apple) on the ground. The alien decided to try to grow it using there rock growing skills. The apple trees grows and they start eating apples. Once we finished reading we had to write a guide about something in the book. I decided to write a guide on how to take care of an alien. Would you use this guide if aliens were real?
Thursday, June 25, 2020
Running man
For inquiry, we got asked to choose a group to be in. The groups were Physical, Comunity spirit, Yoga and some other stuff. Me and my friend Luke did Physical we decided to make a game called running man. I already had an idea of what to do with the game. Me and Luke wrote the description on the first day and started the animation. Once we finished the animation we made a poster using canva. Once we had finished all of that we decided to get some younger kids and test the game on them. They loved it and had a great time playing it. Would you play this game?
10 awesome things you can only do in the winter
For cyber smart, we had 20 choices of something we could make. Me and my friend decided to find 10 activities you can only do in the winter. The first thing I thought of was sport. What do you like more winter or summer?
Friday, June 19, 2020
Fabulous Diary Entry
For literacy a few weeks ago we had to read a book called the Olden Days. It was about kids coming from the future back to the present so they could do a field trip and explore what it was like in the past. Once we had finished the book we had to write a diary entry on a person from the book. I decided to do it on a person called Zan. It was really fun to make and the book was quite good as well. Do you think thew will have this technology in the future?
Friday, June 12, 2020
Crazy China
For literacy, we had to read a book called Bright Fine Gold. Once we had finished the book we had to make a map of a place mentioned in the book. I decided to do China because I thought it would be fun to make. I decided to make the map on piskel. I then inserted it on to google drawings and put a graph in. I then measured how wide china is then divided it by 5 so I could find out how long a square was. Have you ever made a map?
Friday, June 5, 2020
The cute baby dragon
For writing, we were shown a picture of a dragon and we were told to write certain things about it. We had to write what it looked like what it smells like and a bit more stuff. Once we had done that we had to write a story starter about it. I did it on slides even tho we could do it on anything. It was not that hard to make all of it so I got it done on the first day. This is still a working progress. Do you think you would want a pet baby dragon?
Friday, May 29, 2020
For literacy, if we had finished our work we were allowed to do choice writing. Since me and my friends best friend just moved to South Korea me and my friend Quinn decided to do a report on him. It was really funny looking at all the pictures that we had taken with him and it was actually just really fun to make the slide. Did your best friend ever leave you?
Friday, May 22, 2020
Money,Money, Money
For literacy, we had to do information reports. We were allowed to do it in buddies so me and my friend Quinn decided to do a report. It took me and him quite a while to come up with an idea but I eventually came up with the idea of doing it on money. We got quite a lot finished on the first day so it was pretty easy after that. Did you know any of this?
Friday, May 15, 2020
The very hard puzzle.
Friday, May 8, 2020
My interesting artifact

For reading, we had to find two artifacts in our home. I asked my dad if we have any and he said he had a program that had Jonah Lomu's signature from his first ever All Black game. It also had the signature of the first player to ever play 100 tests. His name was Phillipe Sella from France and it was his 100th game that day. We don´t know how much it is worth but it is pretty cool to have. Do you know who Jonah Lomu is?
Friday, May 1, 2020
My amazing t-shirt design
Since we have been in lockdown American Football Canterbury is having a t-shirt design competition. My dad said I should enter it, so I did. The first day I drew a t-shirt so I could see what it would look like. After that, I traced the spider of their old logo and put in the middle of the t-shirt. After that, I drew a football under the spider legs. Then I wrote Smart. Fast. Physical which is their slogan. After that, I wrote A F C (American Football Canterbury) around the spider. The next day I coloured everything apart from the t-shirt. Finally, I coloured in the t-shirt completely black. Have you ever made a t-shirt design?
Monday, April 20, 2020
Awesome Gardening
Friday, April 17, 2020
Amazing dinners
Thursday, April 16, 2020
From Hanmer to home
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Amazing pixel arts
This is a slide I made with some of my friends. It has all the pictures of the cool pixel arts we have made. They are very cool my favourite ones are the iron man and the pug. I think Haemo made the best ones because he loves making them and puts a lot of effort into them. Anyway hope you enjoy it. Have you ever made a piskel?
Friday, March 27, 2020
My mum's amazing new desk
Thursday, March 26, 2020
The delicious cake
It was pretty hard to make but it was a lot of fun and it ended up tasting delicious. Do you like chocolate cake?
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
The 5 R's
Earlier this year for cyber smart we had to find the definition of each 5 r's ( Respect, Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reciprocity and Reflectiveness) and told people ways of doing them. Once you had finished that you could make animations of ways to show the 5 r's. Then if you finished that you got to make videos about the ways you could show the 5r's. It was pretty easy to make. My partner Quinn and I finished everything apart from the videos on the first day. Do you show the 5 r's?
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
The possibility game
A couple weeks ago for maths, my class was focusing on figure out the possibility of things such as what is the chance of winning paper scissor rock. Our teacher made us go on a coin-flipping website and flip a coin twenty times and see what it landed on the most heads or tails. Once we had finished that we had to do the same thing with a die but we only rolled the dice eight teen times. Do you know why there were more tails than heads?
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
My Scottish Ancestry
For inquiry this term we had to pick one of our cultures and research our ancestry. We could choose any digital learning object to show our information on so I decided to do it on slides because I think it is the easiest website to use. I got most of the information from the slide one of our teachers showed us. It was pretty easy to make so I finished four slides on the first day and it was not that hard after that. Are you part Scottish?
Friday, March 13, 2020
Who Wants to be a Millionaire!
In maths, we had to make a google slide-based on the show Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. First, we had to make a copy of our teachers slide. Then we had to design 10 questions and four of them had to involve addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. I managed to finish on the first day because it was really easy. Did you get all the questions right?
Thursday, March 12, 2020
The amazing boardgame
For maths, we had to do design and create a board game that was based on probability. We had to work in a group of one to four. I did mine with Quinn and Scott. We decided to make it minion chess. My task was to design and make the board. Would you play this board game?
Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Is it true is it false
This is a slide I made in maths. It is where we had to write a number next to a number collum. Then we had to make the number using dots by putting them in the correct collums. Two of them had to be correct the other had to be incorrect. Do you know what one is wrong?
Monday, February 10, 2020
My amazing holiday
This is about all my favourites things I did in the holidays. My favourite was a birthday present I got last year. It was a ticket to go see Queen. I decided to do it on drawings. What was your favourite moments in the holidays?
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Summer learning journey
This is something I did for summer learning journey. We had to say what food we would bring on an ocean voyage without a fridge or a freezer. What are the ten foods you would take?